This week introduced a lot of firsts: Ella's first Thanksgiving, celebrated at the Cohens; first two trips in the new family car (a used Range Rover) -- one to the Cohens, and one to the Marcuses (Emma, Alan and Senan); first time playing in the Exersaucer toy; and first Gymboree class for babies 0 - 6 months old.
She met Uncle Ben for the second time since she was born.
She enjoyed all the day trips, Gymboree class and company (Ben), but naps were short and sporadic over the last three days because we were out, and the night sleeps have been more disjointed. In the last journal entry, we were rejoicing that she'd slept from 10:30 pm until 7 a.m. for a couple of nights. Last night she woke up three times between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m., and she hasn't had a nap longer than one hour or pooped in the last 3 days, so we can't bank on a smooth night yet.
Tomorrow we're going to stick close to home so she naps in her crib and try to stick to a routine for the next several days to see if we can get back on track.
Pictured: Thanksgiving at the Cohens, Phil Cohen holding Ella, playtime on her playmat at home (looking at mirror), sitting in the new exersaucer, and visiting with Uncle Ben.
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