Weight: 175 pounds (40+ pound gain since getting pregnant!)
Blood pressure: 110/70
I met Dr. Hadden today as part of a rotation every two weeks to meet all 5 doctors that take turns being on duty for the labor/delivery ward at Columbia Presbyterian. By doing this, whichever doctor is on duty in the labor/delivery ward and I will be somewhat familiar when the time comes to deliver.
Dr. Hadden looks as though he's in his early or mid-fifties and said he's been practicing for 25+ years. He said there's a 50 - 70% chance that Dr. Holden will help me deliver versus one of the other doctors.
I assumed this visit would be a handshake and brief conversation, but for each visit from now on (roughly every two weeks), I'll get a pregnancy checkup including urine test, weight, vitals and monitoring of the the baby's heartbeat.
The nurse found the Bean's heartbeat low on my belly on the left side, but as soon as the monitor tracked the heartbeat, the baby shifted and we couldn't hear it anymore. She moved the monitor and found the heartbeat again, but the Bean shifted and heartbeat went away again. Finally, she trained it near the center and we heard the heartbeat for several seconds. We both laughed. The nurse said she hasn't seen a baby shy away from the monitor in a long time -- the monitor makes a loud crackling noise, and the Bean doesn't like it.
Dr. Hadden measured my abdomen from pubic bone to fundus (top of uterus) and said I'm tracking at 32 weeks, in line with the other measurements taken over the past couple of months confirming mid-June for the due date. He felt my abdomen and said he could feel the Bean's head down near my pubic bone and back/butt up and to my right, all of which is normal.
His only warning to me at the appointment was to try not to gain any more weight. He said "Anything over 35 pounds is yours to keep" (meaning it will be harder to lose after the baby is born) and there's also a risk that if I gain more weight the baby will also get bigger, creating a harder labor situation. I'm embarrassed to write about this today, but am trying to be honest for the journal.
Attached is a picture from about 3 weeks ago (week 28)... [Demi Moore/Vanity Fair copy cat shot - Take 2]
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