Ella is eight months old today, and had her six-month appointment this afternoon.
Weight: 19 pounds (75%)
Height: 28.25 inches (90%)
Head circumference: 45.5 centimeters (92%)
The percentiles show where Ella is ranked relative to other 8-month old girls; for example, at nineteen pounds, she's heavier than 74% of other 8-month old girls taken in a survey by the American Pediatric Association a few years ago. The nurse quoted slightly different percentiles than the doctor; we've reflected what the doctor quoted.
Her two front bottom teeth are coming in, she's 'talking' a lot and making raspberries, nodding her head when she likes a toy, putting her thumb and index finger together as though she's going to snap her fingers, jumping in the jumperoo, and practicing walking (her favorite activity). We're working on a regular eating schedule now that she's started to eat solids again, and longer sleeps at night (she's been waking 3 times a night since the trip in Dec/Jan).
Here is a video of Ella and Michael reading a book called "Spot Goes to the Farm" just before Ella went to bed tonight. The book was a gift from our friend Delyth Harris and the Harris family, and each page has a door or gate that needs to be opened to reveal a farm animal. We started to read this book to Ella 4 weeks ago, and it's become one of her favorites.
Reading from /michael. on Vimeo.
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