About midway through our travels in Australia (first week in January 2008), Ella stopped eating solids and would only nurse. On Thursday, February 14th, Ella started eating solid food again. We are thrilled!
After a few test drives, we've got a routine sorted. She eats well after a nap and after she's nursed, and prefers to feed herself, so I put food on the spoon and she puts it in her mouth. It has taken 4-5 spoons to get through each of the last couple of meals. She holds a spoon in one hand while taking a new spoonful with the other hand, so there has to be at least 3 spoons in rotation, and one or two get dropped on the floor. Five or ten minutes after she starts eating, she notices her hands get sticky, and she flexes and unflexes her fingers and puts them on the table to explore the stickiness, and then resumes eating.
Today, while driving in the car, I put my hand back near her face to distract her, and she bit on my thumb. I felt a sharp ridge on her lower gums. Her bottom teeth are starting to come it. This has been a great week: eating and some teeth starting to come in. She's caught up with the rest of her June baby posse!
My mother sent us some gifts from Finland, including a Finnish hat (modeled by Ella and Oona).
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